Monday, March 22, 2010

IA, Option E, and bulldozers

Hi gang!
Hope everyone enjoyed your spring break. Now back to business. Its the LAST term of your high school careers so lets TCB and finish strong.
Over the break your homework was to read the packet on Option E "Neurobiology and behaviour" and to complete your IA Lab Reports due on Thursday, Mach 25. It must be handed in as a HARD COPY with your rubric stapled to the back. There will be NO printing of the report during class so pls have it ready to turn in that day. If you need to print do it before class.
Those of you in HL should have started completing your extra packet work. It will be due towards the end of April.
See everyone tomorrow. Be the bulldozer and dont get bulldozed!
Mr. morales
P.s. for those of you who dont know TCB (and you better learn this before college) it means TAKE CARE OF BUSINESS : )
and those of you who want better harder and do better! : P everyone is capable!!!

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