Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Paper Three

Paper Three

These are just the quick notes I took from the papers that Mrs. Aly showed, which told us what paper 3 was about-If anyone has anything else they found on paper three, please leave it in the chat box

4 Independence movement;

o Independence movement in American political, economical, social, intellectual, and religious causes.

o Foreign intervention

o Political and intellectual contribution of leaders to independence both USA and Latin America

o U.S. deceleration of independence military campaigns

o Independence movements in Latin America

o U.S. position on Latin America independence and emergence of Monroe Doctrine

4 Nation building challenge

o Articles of confederation

o Latin America challenge to political est. Rise of Caudillo Rule

o War of 1812

o Mexican American war

o Canada 1837 rebellions

o Changes of Native Americans and immigrants in the New Nation

4 United States Civil War: Cause and effect (1840-1877)

4 Development of modern nations (1865-1929)

4 Emergence of Americans in Global affairs (18180-1920)

4 Great depression

4 American WWII

Political development after WWII

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