Tuesday, December 8, 2009


  1. Spanish: None; if you would like to retake your test, remember that you can take it before school, at lunch, after school, and at saturday credit club
  2. English: Work on timeline events if you have not turned it in
  3. Psychology: Work on group projects; presentations next week ......... last day revisions on Monday
  4. Physics: Book work on chapter 11; Test next week wednesday
Homework Due Thursday 12/10
  1. Math: Book work on chapter 22
  2. History: Read chapters 1-8; Have sprite notes ready for chapters 7 and 8
  3. Art: Finish art pieces for art show next week
  4. Film : 5 minute movie extract; video of your 10 minute analysis >> due before 3rd period
  5. Biology: Bring lab books and complete lab information worksheet (What labs you have completed) AND both pages of DBQ sheet

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