Friday, December 11, 2009

Only ONE week of school left!

Hey guys, there is only ONE week of school left! We made it through second quarter together! The long awaited break is almost here, so here is the last few homework posts that I will be posting before break. Have a good last week of school, and I hope you guys enjoy your break

  1. IB Math SL: Page 561 Numbers 3-7 odd
  2. Spanish: None
  3. History: Work on History Day
  4. English: Read Part Two; Find 30-45 lines in PART TWO, that develops a meaning
  5. Psychology: Work on project with group or partners; presentations next class
  6. Art: Work on sketches (Art show next Wednesday)
  7. Biology: Study; work on objectives (Due thursday) (TEST Thursday)
  8. Physics: Work on Chapter 11

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